Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Did you know that a mirror is a sort of time machine?
Did you know that light travels at a speed of like 963 million trillion miles per second, so it's really not?
Did you know the light from the sun is nearly 1200 years old before it reaches earth?
Did you know that just by looking up into the night sky we can see the past and the future, and we already know how and when the worlds gonna end and even who's gonna be there because we have pics?
Did you know that the only interesting thing the moon ever gets to see is that lame Great Wall in China that's been there forever? And maybe those awful lights in NYC?

Oh, also, other weird things are happening in space:
Lyman-alpha blobs are an astronomical mystery that may be primordial galaxies. "The consensus is that these are enormous protogalaxies, which over the course of time will yield very massive old galaxies such as we see in the local universe," says Dan Smith, a postdoctoral researcher at Liverpool John Moores University in England. Smith, who was not involved in the study, calls the detection of such an early Lyman-alpha blob "a very exciting result."

But as of now, it is not known what Lyman-alpha blobs are or what causes them to glow. Resolving the proposed explanations for these early objects could shed light on how galaxies such as the Milky Way take shape. Some theories hold that Lyman-alpha blobs are formed by inflows of cold streams of gas, a mechanism that Smith points out has recently been suggested by some researchers as the dominant mode of galaxy growth. Other explanations posit that the blobs' gas emits radiation due to heating by an active galactic nucleus harboring a churning object such as a supermassive black hole or by an accelerated phase of star formation known as a starburst.

They named it after an ancient Japanese queen, who also was rumored to be part- black hole. Ooooh I'm nasty!

(via SciAm)

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