Monday, August 15, 2011

This is an essay, hopefully it wins me a G

Indecision and uncertainty have led me here: abused, mistreated, barely holding myself afloat amid the morning deluge of hyphenated imperatives-- “triple-Venti half-caf three-pump non-fat no-whip white-chocolate-mocha”. I’m twenty-three and freshly bearing a BS in Neuroscience (specialty: Neuropsychopharmacology) as a patron takes a moment to explain the side-effects of excessive caffeine consumption on the brain.

I’m told that that the purgatorial space between undergraduate and everything else is at least as educational as those four years that got me here, and I’m inclined to agree. Out of school for just barely a school year, I’ve been a barista slinging java at five a.m.; a singing gondolier piloting a forty-foot authentic Venetian wedding gondola, witness to countless engagement proposals; a Direct Support Provider to an autistic child seeking rank advancement in the Boy Scouts of America. I’ve also obsessed over economics, politics, and gossip of all kinds, which is to say that I’ve wasted a tremendous amount of time.

I’m bored with stalling, and my fear of commitment has become abhorrent to me. I stand prepared to make movements to meet my potential, be it medical school, dental school, or something heretofore unimagined. The only thing standing in my way is a set of particularly ungenerous student loans, and so I say, unabashedly, that I deserve this award because I’ve spent a year underperforming, and my ambition demands it. I thirst for success, to strut my stuff, to ACHIEVE, for Pete’s sake, because your latte is a terribly small accomplishment, isn’t it?

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Gasoline and Lottery Tickets

My friends are funnier than yours! Check this out:

"...basket." (shrugs)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Who is this?

Two things:

This video, by Welsh pop singer Marina and the Diamonds, makes blackface AWESOME again!
But also, she looks weirdly like Julia Allison, which I realized upon like my forth viewing, and my very well prohibit me from enjoying it again.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Robin, pt. 3

Me n' Georgia Purry wrote some apologetic haiku for the Robin. It's not quite as tired as it sounds. My two faves, first by her and second by me:
Sorry I laughed when
You said you could change the world
But, like, come on, girl.

I told everyone
You were lying about your
Peanut allergy.
In an unrelated story, there is something the matter with this animal:

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Keyboard, Cat.

This blog wasn't supposed to be for jumping all over new memes, but I suppose if it's good enough, there's no harm done. Observe:


If you have not seen this yet, you have not witnessed the fully-realized potential of the oldschool mashup. Wtf, lurkaz?

Monday, May 4, 2009

[presented without comment]

Kitchen prep/dishwasher (bloomington)

Immediate opening for dinner shift Monday through Saturday for Food Prep/Dishwasher. Stop by Esan Thai Restaurant on Lincoln and Kirkwood Ave (across from Public Library) and ask for Aey. Person should not be afraid of getting hands wet!

via CL


and then download this file
safe for human and hipster consumption

Zero calories
All natural Bjork and PJ Harvey flavoring,
Now with less than 10 mg artificial Mick Jagger flavor

The Robin, pt 2

The next advancement in my plan to eventually own the entire internet and replace it with brass tubes with steam valves, shiny black pneumatic hoses, and chrome hydraulics.

via The Robin

Friday, May 1, 2009

Morning Musings

I have said it before, but it is worth repeating: above all else, one must be brave and fair.

And never forget, "The issue is dispersion. The task is to survive in the diaspora."

quote from Donna Haraway
image via